SALE! Red hydrangea in a large white pot, 40 cm
Consists of large red and white hydrangea blossoms and populus tree leaves, in a white pot
Dimensions ca 35×40 cm
162.00€ 138.00€
Consists of large red and white hydrangea blossoms and populus tree leaves, in a white pot
Dimensions ca 35×40 cm
Natural preserved Populus branches with their beautiful red leaves have an elegant and modern look. They fit perfectly in a minimalist metal vase, larger vase height ca 15 cm, smaller one ca 12 cm.
100% maintenance-free!
Tillandsia ionantha var. scaposa on kena roheline õhulill, mis vajab valget aga mitte otsest päikest kasvamiseks. Hetkel on saadaval scaposa kobarad, mis on punakate lehtedega ja hakkavad kohe õitsema!
Spanish moss is really decorative plant.
Tillandsia seleriana has a very large pseudo-bulb from which it’s silvery leaves grow. It will turn reddish pink when ready to bloom and has an indigo flower.
Siin leiate juba suure valiku õhulilli, mis sobib nii tervesse koju kaunistuste valmistamiseks või ka edasimüüjatele.